Journey through the family courts

A journey is something all humans experience. We will all go on many journeys: emotionally and physically. Journeys that take us to mountain summits, down a woodland track, through a vibrant gorge or along a rock pool filled beach. Journeys take us on a voyage of discovery, a dead end or a place of calm reflection.
Then there is the journey into the unknown…………
I decided to google “a journey though the family courts” and the sentences below littered the page…………………………………..
“travel through the minefield known as the family court”
“We have reached a juncture in the Family Court’s journey through the COVID 19 crisis when it is both possible and necessary to take stock and to consider the road ahead.”
“Navigating the labyrinth of family court”
“Family court proceedings can present a legal labyrinth to the layman”
“Locked in a maze”

The journey through the family court is exhausting, stressful and intimidating. The outcome of a court case regarding child arrangements or financial proceedings may not have resulted in the best outcomes for you and your children and your perception of fairness has been undermined.
Orders made by the court have potentially enabled the continued control of yourself and your children post separation. The unknown, unanticipated and unexpected can be triggers for anxiety and trauma. The world can feel a different place. You may not feel you anymore.
Here at Women’s McKenzie Friend we can support you after court. We know that for some families this is just the beginning. We are experienced and understand what has happened for you since the day you started court proceedings, to the date of the final court order and now……….
You may be two days, two months or two years down the road but if you feel that you would like support and assistance then please contact us. We can help.

For other helpful support please find the link below.