Welcome to Women's McKenzie Friend
Are you a woman going through the family courts and need assistance during a time of difficulty and stress? Then you need clear, assured legal guidance. We provide you clarity whilst your complex journey through the family legal system is made easier.
Women’s McKenzie Friend offers you affordable, cost effective help with Child Arrangements and Financial Orders throughout the whole of England and Wales.
Added Value - Reduced Cost - Less Pressure
When relationships break down and divorce or separation occurs, there are significant things to consider such as child contact arrangements; where you will live and the division of your property, home and possessions.
How we work with you
As your trusted McKenzie Friend we offer excellent value services at low costs.
72% more cost effective than solicitors
100% customer value
Please contact us for a FREE 30 minute consultation.
Women’s McKenzie Friend provides:
On-line support and attendance at remote hearings through-out the whole of England and Wales regarding Child Arrangements and Financial Proceedings.
Women’s McKenzie Friend will attend court with you at a number of family courts throughout the whole of London and the South West. We provide our services to Women who live within London and Greater London covering the primary courts of West London Family Court, Central Family Court London and the East London Family Court. We cover the South West of England and attend, amongst others, the family courts of Swindon, Oxford, Salisbury, Bath, Bristol, Basingstoke, Southampton, Portsmouth, Winchester, Reading, Exeter, Slough, Brighton and Guildford.
We can also support you by attending other courts located within the South of England as agreed and on an individual basis. Just talk to us about your needs.
You may need help with a range of issues in preparation for and attendance at court, such as:
Child Arrangements
- Responding to or applying for a child arrangements order.
- Responding to or applying for Prohibited steps Order or Specific Issues Order.
- Understanding and engaging with Cafcass
- Preparing position and witness statements
- Support with preparing for and attending court for hearings including First Hearings (FHDRA), Finding of Fact Hearings, Dispute Resolution Appointments (DRA) and Final Hearings
- Varying an order
- Guidance and support in dealing with breaches of court orders and assistance in applying to the court for enforcement
Financial Orders

- Completing your initial application, Form A
- Completion and exchange of Form E before the first appointment
- Maintenance pending suit
- Chronology and Questionnaires
- Filing and serving a Statement of Issues:
- Statement of costs
- Preparations for all hearings and attendance at the First Directions Appointment (FDA), Financial Dispute Resolution Hearing (FDR) and attendance at the final hearing
We understand that navigating the family court system can be a stressful time for women and their children. It can feel like a journey into the unknown. Women’s McKenzie Friend will support you every step of the way. We know you may feel anxious about the legal process and procedures, worried about going to court, exhausted from the time and energy preparing for and attending court; juggling life, family, study and work whilst trying to minimise the impact on yourself and your children.
We enable women to navigate the family courts with confidence...
...and who need more
- Time
- Certainty
- Security
- Stability
- Independence
- Work/Life balance
...and who need less
- Spinning of plates
- Unpredictability
- Insecurity
- Debt
- Loss
- Demands
As McKenzie Friends we offer guidance and support as lay persons, for which Women’s McKenzie Friend has full professional Indemnity Insurance in place. Women’s McKenzie Friend service does not provide legal advice nor do we have trained or qualified lawyers.
Please see the Practice Guidance Document issued for civil and family courts in 2010 outlining how a McKenzie Friend may assist a Litigant in Person.